Understanding the Review and Appeal Process for CDR Skill Assessment Outcomes

Feb 26, 2024 - 16:37
May 16, 2024 - 16:39
 0  13
Understanding the Review and Appeal Process for CDR Skill Assessment Outcomes

How does one file a review against the outcome of a CDR Migration Skill Assessment with Engineers Australia?

Answer: If you're not satisfied with the outcome of your CDR Migration Skill Assessment, you can file for a review. This option is available if your application is rejected, if you receive a ban for an ethical breach, or if the assessment outcome is not as desired (e.g., being assessed for a different category than applied for). To file a review, submit the "Application for Review of Assessment Outcome" form within 3 months of receiving your original assessment outcome. Include a cover letter explaining your reasons, but note that no new information can be presented.

What is the process to appeal against a review decision made by Engineers Australia?

Answer: If you're unsatisfied with the outcome of your review, you may file an appeal. This must be done within 6 months of the original assessment outcome letter. To appeal, submit the "Application for Appeal of Assessment Outcome" form and pay the necessary fee. The outcome of this appeal is final in the review process. You can find the application form and details about the fees on the Engineers Australia website.

Are review and appeal fees refundable in the CDR Migration Skill Assessment process?

Answer: Yes, the fees for review and appeal in the CDR Migration Skill Assessment process can be refunded, but only if the review or appeal results in the outcome originally sought by the applicant, and no additional documents were provided.

What are the consequences of providing misleading or false information?

Answer: Submitting misleading or false information is viewed as a major breach of ethical behavior by Engineers Australia. The consequences include notification to the Department of Home Affairs and a ban of 12 to 36 months from applying for a skills assessment. Engineers Australia also reserves the right to use software for data matching and to screen your submissions for matches to other sources.

Our Services:

Our services offer comprehensive support to applicants aiming for a favorable result in their CDR Migration Skill Assessment with Engineers Australia. We provide expert guidance on crafting Competency Demonstration Reports (CDR) that effectively showcase an applicant's engineering skills and experiences. Our team aids in developing detailed career episodes, compelling summary statements, and accurate records of continuing professional development, all tailored to meet the rigorous standards of Engineers Australia. Additionally, we support applicants in meeting the English language competency requirements and adhering to the ethical standards required for a successful assessment. Through targeted assistance and a deep understanding of the assessment criteria, our services are designed to elevate the quality of CDR submissions, enhancing the likelihood of achieving a successful outcome.

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Gurmeet Sharma Gurmeet Sharma is the Chief operating officer of Brain Drain Consultants Pvt. Ltd | He is leading the Immigration news portals for imminews.com.au and imminews.ca.