How to submit a CDR for Engineers Australia's Migration Skill Assessment?

To submit a CDR for the Migration Skill Assessment, applicants should prepare a comprehensive document showcasing their engineering skills, knowledge, and competencies. This includes creating detailed career episodes that reflect significant engineering experiences, a summary statement that maps out how these experiences meet the competencies required by Engineers Australia and evidence of continuing professional development.

Feb 26, 2024 - 16:07
Feb 26, 2024 - 16:13
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How to submit a CDR for Engineers Australia's Migration Skill Assessment?

How to submit an online CDR application for Migration Skill Assessment with Engineers Australia?

Answer: To submit an online application for Migration Skills Assessment with Engineers Australia, you need to follow a few essential steps:

Online Application Submission: First, you must submit your application online through Engineers Australia's platform. A detailed user guide for applying is provided by Engineers Australia, and every applicant must read this guide thoroughly before proceeding with their application. You can find the link to the MSA Online Application User’s Guide in the description of this video.

Obtaining an EA ID Number: To initiate your online application, you must have an individual EA ID number. If you are already a member of Engineers Australia or have a previous application with EA, your EA ID number will be the same as your CID number or your membership number. To register for a password, use the Engineers Australia myPortal application.

  • Registering for an EA ID: If you do not have an EA ID, CID, or Membership number, you will need to register for an EA ID through Engineers Australia’s myPortal. After receiving your EA ID, you can then register for a password via the myPortal.

  • Accessing the MSA System: Once you have logged into myPortal, click on the “Menu” button on the top right and select “Migration Skills Assessment” to access the MSA system. There, you will be able to start, save, resume, and submit your application. Remember, it is your responsibility to provide all necessary supporting documents for your application.

  • Expert Assistance: For additional guidance on filing or to ensure accurate filing, our expert team is available to help. Contact us for further assistance or take advantage of our expert services for a seamless experience.

What documents are required for the CDR Skill Assessment Application?

  • Every document uploaded should be a color scan of the original document, ensuring a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. 

  • For documents that are not in English, you are required to upload color scans of both the original language documents and their English translations. 

  • These translations must be performed by a certified translator. The translated documents should include the translator's registered ID, name, professional status, and contact information.

How does Engineers Australia notify applicants about the successful submission of their CDR and Skill Assessment application?

Answer: After you've filed your assessment, Engineers Australia will communicate with you regarding your application's submission status as follows:

Email Confirmation: Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email notification at your registered email address. This email will include your unique EA ID number and your application number, confirming that your application has been successfully submitted.

Application Processing and Payment: Your application will then be placed in the processing queue. If you pay the fee using a credit card, the payment is processed immediately, and a receipt for this transaction will be emailed to you. In case you are paying through an invoice, a receipt will be sent to your email once the payment is processed and cleared.

Remember, keeping track of your application status is crucial, and these notifications serve as confirmation of your application's progress in the assessment process.

Our Services:

Our services offer comprehensive support to applicants aiming for a favorable result in their CDR Migration Skill Assessment with Engineers Australia. We provide expert guidance on crafting Competency Demonstration Reports (CDR) that effectively showcase an applicant's engineering skills and experiences. Our team aids in developing detailed career episodes, compelling summary statements, and accurate records of continuing professional development, all tailored to meet the rigorous standards of Engineers Australia. Additionally, we support applicants in meeting the English language competency requirements and adhering to the ethical standards required for a successful assessment. Through targeted assistance and a deep understanding of the assessment criteria, our services are designed to elevate the quality of CDR submissions, enhancing the likelihood of achieving a successful outcome.

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Gurmeet Sharma Gurmeet Sharma is the Chief operating officer of Brain Drain Consultants Pvt. Ltd | He is leading the Immigration news portals for and