Australia's Changing Migration Landscape: A Budget Overview | Australia Immigration News

The federal budget reveals a significant decrease in Australia's net migration intake, attributed to the government's extensive reforms in the migration system. These reforms aim to alleviate pressures arising from population growth.

May 16, 2024 - 14:13
May 16, 2024 - 17:29
 0  44

However, experts caution that while the government has taken steps to tighten migration rules, some of the projected decline in migration numbers may be influenced by factors beyond its control.

According to budget papers, the forecast suggests a notable reduction in net migration from 528,000 to 260,000 between 2022-23 and 2024-25. Alongside this, the government has announced several measures to attract highly skilled migrants and enhance the integrity of the immigration system.

In detail, the government plans to decrease the permanent migration intake from 190,000 to 185,000 in 2024-25. This decrease will focus on addressing long-term skill needs, with a substantial portion of places allocated to the skill stream. Additionally, an investment of $18 million aims to further enhance the integrity of Australia's immigration system.

Furthermore, the introduction of a new National Innovation visa to replace the Global Talent visa is set to attract exceptionally talented migrants. Meanwhile, the implementation of a new ballot system for the work and holiday visa program aims to better manage demand.

In a post-budget address, the government emphasized its efforts to manage population growth as a strategy to mitigate inflation. It highlighted the importance of well-managed migration in contributing to the economy's stability.

Despite these efforts, experts argue that achieving the projected decline in net migration may pose challenges due to various factors influencing migration patterns.

While the government has implemented reforms to tighten migration rules, much of the expected decline is linked to factors such as the outflow of international students, which may not be directly controlled by policy changes.

Additionally, the Settlement Council of Australia has called for increased support for skilled migrants to establish themselves in the country. They stress the significance of providing a welcoming and supportive settlement experience to ensure migrants' economic contributions and enhance the overall quality of life.

Overall, while the federal budget indicates a notable drop in Australia's migration intake, achieving this decline may require addressing various challenges and ensuring adequate support for migrants to integrate into Australian society effectively.

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Gurmeet Sharma Gurmeet Sharma is the Chief operating officer of Brain Drain Consultants Pvt. Ltd | He is leading the Immigration news portals for and