Sugar Cane Grower Career and Immigration options for Australia

Sugar Cane Grower Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow sugar cane.

Feb 28, 2024 - 22:07
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Profile Title: Sugar Cane Grower Career and Immigration options for Australia

Alternative Title:Not Defined

ANZSCO Code: 121217 | Unit Code: 1212

Skill Level: Level 1 | Work Experience: 1 Years

Assessing Bodies: Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services (VETASSESS)

Skill Occupation List (SOL): ROL

Specialization: Sugar Cane Farm Manager

Profile Description: Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow sugar cane.

Job Duties:

  • planning and coordinating the production and marketing of crops, such as grain, cotton, sugar cane, fruit and nuts, vegetables, turf and flowers, from soil preparation to harvest taking into account environmental and market factors
  • selecting and planting seeds, seedlings and bulbs, and grafting new varieties to root stocks
  • maintaining crop production by cultivating, de-budding and pruning, and maintaining optimal growing conditions
  • organising and conducting farming operations, such as collecting, storing, grading and packaging produce, and organising the sale, purchase and despatch of produce
  • directing and overseeing general farming activities such as fertilising and pest and weed control
  • maintaining farm buildings, fences, equipment and water supply systems
  • maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity, and planning crop preparation and production to meet contract requirements and market demand
  • managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
  • may select, train and supervise staff and contractors

Skill Level Description: In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Available Visa Options (As on February 2024):

  • 407 - Training visa (subclass 407)
  • 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) - State or Territory nominated
  • 482 - Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • report caveats apply
  • 187 - Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
  • 494 - Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) - Employer sponsored stream
  • 491 - Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated

Registration or Licensing: Not Required

Industries: Crop Farmers are mainly employed in: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Manufacturing; and Wholesale Trade

Education Profile: The most common level of educational attainment for Crop Farmers is Years 11 and 10 (32.7 per cent).

Job Opening: Over the five years to November 2019, the number of job openings for Crop Farmers is expected to be below average (between 5,001 and 10,000). Job openings count both employment growth and turnover (defined as workers leaving their occupation for other employment or leaving the workforce).

Age Group: The main age group is 65+ years (24.2 per cent) and the median age is 53 years (compared to 40 years for all occupations).

Gender: The female share of Crop Farmers is 20.9 per cent and 80.3 per cent of Crop Farmers work full time. Average weekly hours for full time workers are 52.7 (compared to 40.2 for all occupations).

Earning: In August 2014 (latest available data) weekly earnings full-time before tax (and not including employer superannuation) were $973 (compared to earnings for all occupations of $1,200).

Employment: Employment for this occupation fell slightly in the past five years and fell in the long-term (ten years). Looking forward, employment for Crop Farmers to November 2020 is expected to grow slightly.

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Gurmeet Sharma Gurmeet Sharma is the Chief operating officer of Brain Drain Consultants Pvt. Ltd | He is leading the Immigration news portals for and