Nurse Manager Career and Immigration options for Australia
Nurse Manager Manages a health service unit or sub-unit of a hospital, aged care or community health care facility, supervises nursing staff and financial resources to enable the provision of safe, cost effective nursing care within a specified field or for a particular unit, and monitors quality, clinical standards and professional development of nurses. Registration or licensing is required.
Profile Title: Nurse Manager Career and Immigration options for Australia
Alternative Title:Charge Nurse, Nurse Supervisor, Nurse Unit Manager
ANZSCO Code: 254311 | Unit Code: 2543
Skill Level: Level 1 | Work Experience: 5 Years
Assessing Bodies: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)
Skill Occupation List (SOL): STSOL
Specialization: Not Defined
Profile Description: Manages a health service unit or sub-unit of a hospital, aged care or community health care facility, supervises nursing staff and financial resources to enable the provision of safe, cost effective nursing care within a specified field or for a particular unit, and monitors quality, clinical standards and professional development of nurses. Registration or licensing is required.
Job Duties:
- developing, implementing and monitoring policies and objectives of nursing care as they apply to units, staff and community groups
- coordinating the allocation of human and material resources for a health service unit such as recruitment of staff, human resource management, preparation of budgets and fiscal management
- monitoring and controlling the performance of nursing and support staff within the unit, and providing leadership
- initiating studies to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing services in the unit in relation to objectives, costs and nursing care
- promoting working relationships with community agencies and health and education providers
- contributing to organisational objectives in relation to quality, safety and risk management
Skill Level Description: In Australia and New Zealand: Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification and at least five years relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing is required.
Available Visa Options (As on February 2024):
- 190 - Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
- 407 - Training visa (subclass 407)
- 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) - State or Territory nominated
- 482 - Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) - Short Term Stream
- 187 - Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
- 494 - Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) - Employer sponsored stream
- 491 - Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
Registration or Licensing: required
Industries: Nurse Managers are nearly all employed in Health Care and Social Assistance
Education Profile: The most common level of educational attainment for Nurse Managers is Bachelor degree (43.4 per cent).
Job Opening: Over the five years to November 2019, the number of job openings for Nurse Managers is expected to be below average (between 5,001 and 10,000). Job openings count both employment growth and turnover (defined as workers leaving their occupation for other employment or leaving the workforce).
Age Group: The main age group is 45-54 years (30.9 per cent) and the median age is 48 years (compared to 40 years for all occupations).
Gender: The female share of Nurse Managers is 88.6 per cent and 74.1 per cent of Nurse Managers work full time. Average weekly hours for full time workers are 35.7 (compared to 40.2 for all occupations).
Earning: In August 2014 (latest available data) weekly earnings full-time before tax (and not including employer superannuation) were $1,900 (compared to earnings for all occupations of $1,200).
Employment: Employment for this occupation rose strongly (in percentage terms) in the past five years and rose very strongly in the long-term (ten years). Looking forward, employment for Nurse Managers to November 2020 is expected to grow very strongly.
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